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2016中国·安陆山地自行车挑战赛【千年银杏 十里画廊】全景视角【白兆山下】期刊试印版广告限时免费刊登,联系微信:anknet
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发表于 2019-12-14 01:11:15 | |阅读模式 来自湖北


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' F4 }( W) J2 ^" ?# K
                                ' F1 |/ ^- O. A! j1 ~( e# p9 F" W+ v
                                        0 d9 W' f2 f" ~5 z  x
爱人间的互相依赖  i  t8 E7 H* u
除了你再没有人能够如此爱我& }+ z$ _$ F2 y  z; @2 R
6 t8 n* E9 W) l6 @- N也许你不是最好的* X5 z% }( \: L( p
5 Z+ R! S0 X8 r4 P* m# b你想要全世界我都想给你
* A/ p8 f5 I/ k9 {9 i" ^+ p而我只想要你
/ Q5 G% P* R7 \0 ]有你便有全世界8 H$ y# {  R6 L, ~4 ]
Baby life was good to me.But you just made it better
, ]& y' u% t: c宝贝.生命一向待我不薄.但你让它更加美好3 u* X' v. }  t
I love the way you stand by me Throught any kind of weather % b7 r1 \0 ?) u$ E, |6 S  S
) M: r- C9 }) BI don't wanna run away. Just wanna make your day' ^+ y7 x( J5 ]% O& P+ W, [0 d
我不想逃离. 只想让你幸福! d7 Q6 r' V! D
When you fell the world is on your shoulders
. m6 a8 Z$ X. N0 w当你感到肩负世间重担
2 s4 [& V( k9 DDon't wanna make it worse.Just wanna make us work: R) s! D8 S6 M
我不会把它变更糟.只想让我们更顺利(交往)0 D& L9 s, @1 U! a4 U; p1 |& W( D
Baby tell me I will do whatever9 x  G1 @9 S: x! Y! M, A, p* W9 o2 ]
宝贝.告诉我.不管什麼事我都会去做$ G$ t3 A$ G8 v/ D& G$ Q
[Chorus]6 g: F' K) U$ [5 ]8 D* Q; n; z
It feels like nobody ever knew me until you knew me   b4 A  d2 Z3 D# v& Q% \1 I
; ?0 E8 `; D& ?; u- [Feels like nobody ever loved me until you loved me6 ~6 W2 G& J7 g6 d& x
5 S; K+ v# Q. G% k. T& u5 jFeels like nobody ever touched me until you touched me8 ]3 [! H6 b( c
- n/ G" G6 _1 y6 bBaby nobody, nobody,until you4 {1 ^7 X  T, ]. X# [& z4 j$ I, n
宝贝.没有人.没有人...只有你!, {% Z) r. r& ?6 _
Baby it just took one hit of you now I'm addicted
; E! M8 ?8 C5 Q5 l宝贝.一遇见你.我就沉溺其中
- I. t* Y4 B+ f6 R8 uYou never know what's missing Till you get everything you need,yeah
7 q/ X# k& p* w; V* `4 Y6 f如果你不曾拥有.你不会知道失去.喔~~/ b; V- G1 {* `, P4 X
I don't wanna run away. Just wanna make your day; w  C9 O+ R* ~& a
我不想逃离. 只想让你幸福
+ Y( h. |4 O7 U2 m9 ?, _6 DWhen you fell the world is on your shoulders ( a! L5 A; a. ?4 p4 @/ b" G; [) L& j6 j
当你感到肩负世间重担" n7 p0 p- j. h) q+ ]
Don't wanna make it worse.Just wanna make us work
) n' z3 Z  c; m' W我不会把它变更糟.只想让我们更顺利(交往)+ z: D; M9 q# r% u9 ?3 K+ U
Baby tell me I will do whatever
& G* ~2 x4 n4 n( S: ~, J+ j' l' \9 K宝贝.告诉我.不管什麼事我都会去做$ b# p; t3 d- k% |, ?6 I
It feels like nobody ever knew me until you knew me 2 o. _( B! i, x+ g* u/ M
+ F2 \! p& X9 n8 ~Feels like nobody ever loved me until you loved me
* _% y$ I5 A; X1 S* V没有人像你那样爱我2 U3 o( f8 i1 V& {' t; j1 k
Feels like nobody ever touched me until you touched me
" J. t9 F/ K* x2 x没有人像你那样感动我% `" u/ a4 t' ?9 S
Baby nobody, nobody,until you7 m% F( o; _5 F8 o1 h* H
3 J9 n8 R) w  ]/ m: @See it was enough to no If I ever let you go.I would be no one
0 A3 n0 S; @# W看吧.显而易见.如果我离开了你.我将不复存在.2 z; p3 h; F1 R: c9 R
Cos I never thought I'd feel All the things you made me feel: e3 G3 h7 [/ T# H% }' l  v( S$ c- Z
" L! r1 v# S2 g$ Y% H$ gWasn't looking for someone until you- m1 W8 k  T* B* t  C8 ~# ?. G0 r
4 V1 E" I" m3 o6 [7 _' s' I9 UIt feels like nobody ever knew me until you knew me 1 s" Z. L0 u) T8 v
; G  T  t; S7 F6 n9 `" K" Y' S3 rFeels like nobody ever loved me until you loved me' K- Q5 Z, g" R% X) J& b$ {
; C* R. N" _* ~3 J5 c' c! SFeels like nobody ever touched me until you touched me
- \  U/ ]' G& P$ L5 \2 ~, w- l- b没有人像你那样感动我
+ ~% u8 M6 e, l: y8 n! I1 i- r* m# `3 EBaby nobody, nobody,until you
1 v, @, E9 ^9 y宝贝.没有人.没有人...只有你!" T$ \4 w3 L5 l- S) y  I% g* o5 y
It feels like nobody ever knew me until you knew me 5 T9 Z/ G7 S9 D* l
没有人像你那样了解我9 k% O3 i0 r3 W
Feels like nobody ever loved me until you loved me4 f+ \  \$ L- C# i
8 a2 J0 u$ |( u# K% R) CFeels like nobody ever touched me until you touched me
4 K5 g# h4 [$ f  R( j) q% y' b! G6 [没有人像你那样感动我5 a# `. p/ M( X
Baby nobody, nobody,until you
8 l- I  f, B/ k( k$ G% _宝贝.没有人.没有人...只有你!4 _" W% a0 {; G2 {
                                0 Q  E2 |, O1 r) f; ?
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